The ReGeneration Forum


9:0010:15 AM Main Session 1: The Importance of Theological Thinking and What New Generations Believe

10:3011:45 AM Labs

The titles of the Labs are the confusing type of questions and criticisms that arise on social media. We will be responding to these questions with solid biblical answers.

  • Over and over, we hear claims that God cannot be real because surely a good God would intervene and stop people from suffering, sicknesses and all the evil that hurts people around the world.

    In this lab you will learn:

    • Isn’t all the evil that happens on the earth proof that God doesn’t exist?

    • How can Christians believe in a God and say He is good, when He allows evil and suffering?

    • How do I make sense and deal with the pain and suffering I experience as a believer in Jesus?

  • There are Bible verses which seem to indicate women are inferior, they should submit to men and have no place in leadership.

    In this lab you will learn:

    • Why do we hear of so much inequality and even abuse of women in churches today?

    • How do we make sense of actual Bible verses such as ones that say “Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission…”, “it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church” (1 Corinthians 14:34-35).

  • In this lab you will learn:

    • The relationship between gender and the body according to Scripture

    • How to affirm biblical gender archetypes while confronting gender stereotypes.

    • Why gender is more than a social construct, it's a divine gift which points to greater things.

    • How to love God and people well in this often-contentious conversation.

  • In this lab you will learn:

    • It is claimed that Jesus didn’t mention homosexuality, so why does the church make such a big deal of it? How do we respond to this claim?

    • The Bible didn’t even include the word homosexual until 1946, showing we have been misunderstanding it – is this true?

    • Have we misunderstood what the Bible says as we hear new interpretations? How do we respond to the new teachings saying the historical view is incorrect?

    • If we have same sex attractions, what do we do?

    • How do we talk to people we love and care for who have same-sex attraction?

  • Churches more and more seem like businesses and an organized religion. We hear story after story of church hurt happening which can even lead to deconstruction faith.

    In this lab you will learn:

    • What is “church” and do we need it?

    • Can we just love Jesus and not the church?

    • What do I do if I have experienced church hurt?

12:00–1:00 PM Lunch Labs

  • Bring any question, any challenge, anything you may wonder about from the Bible or Christian beliefs. Dr. Gerry Breshears is a seasoned life-long professor at Western Seminary and theologian and will respond to any question you have.

  • In this lab, you will learn from a Dr. Tanika Maddox, the national director for generational impact for Young Life and an expert in contextualizing the true gospel for Gen Z. 

    • How can we understand the world of Gen Z and our kids and grandkids world better?

    • What can we do to support them and help them grow and thrive following  Jesus in today’s world?

  • Surveys are showing how an increasing amount of people (including Christians) believe that all paths lead to the same God and that it’s OK to blend religious faiths.  We have Dr. John Kwak a Western Seminary professor to lead this lunch lab.

    In this lab, you will learn:

    • Is it true that all religions are basically the same?

    • Do all paths lead to the same God?

    • Is there more than one way of salvation and to go to heaven?

    • Is it arrogant and unfair for Christianity to claim they are the only way?   

  • A gathering for those serving as next generation staff and volunteers to look at the importance of theological thinking in today’s children’s, youth and young adult ministries. And some ideas of how to see theology be part of local church ministries with new generations.

1:00–2:15 PM Main Session 2: Does Viral Equal Valid?

2:30–3:45 PM Labs

See description above at the 10:30 AM for the Labs happening again here.

4:00–5:00 PM Main Session 3: Being a Thinking and Questioning Christian

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