About The ReGeneration Project
A Ministry of Western Seminary
“After that whole generation had been gathered to their ancestors, another generation grew up who knew neither the Lord nor what he had done.”
Judges 2:10
We live in a time where there is more confusion and misunderstanding of the Bible, church, and the historic Christian faith than ever before. Especially amongst younger generations, as fewer and fewer are generally part of churches today. In some ways, it is like the time in the book of Judges in the Bible when a new generation arose who didn’t know God or the things He has done, so they adopted the cultural belief systems of that time.
I have been on local church staff and immersed in ministry here in the Bay Area, and as much as we experience all the questions arising, the good news is that there are answers and ways to respond. Asking questions is a super great thing to be encouraging, and we see wonderful stories in the Bay Area, Portland, and around the country of youth, young adults, and people of all ages who grow in their walks with God and put faith in Jesus when getting answers to their big questions. However, we must focus on listening to the questions and theologically thinking about responding.
This is why the ReGeneration Project was started – to help and encourage theological thinking and give training in how to respond to the cultural questions of our day.
The ReGeneration Project is a ministry of Western Seminary, which has campuses in Portland, OR, and the Bay Area, CA. In the Bay Area, we began training events for youth, college students, young adults, and church leaders, which have now grown to sell out with over 800 attendees. We are also starting these events in Portland, Oregon.
The ReGeneration Project will launch a new website with articles, resources, and encouraging stories of what churches are doing in the Bay Area and Portland regions; a new podcast will be starting in 2025, along with webinars for training soon. We also will be starting a Theology Coalition for like-minded church leaders who see theology as important in new-generation ministry so we can learn from each other.
As a church leader in the Bay Area, we are in a time of confusion, yet in a very exciting time as the eternal truths of Scripture are as life-changing as ever, and there is an increasing openness to learning about Jesus.
If you have any questions, please let us know!
Dan Kimball
Director of the ReGeneration Project
Associate Professor of Leadership and Theology
Western Seminary – Bay Area
“…we will tell the next generation
the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done”
Psalm 78:4

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